319328507763323 What should I wear to my Bluebell Family Photography Session?
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What should I wear to my Bluebell Family Photography Session?

Bluebell Sessions are weekends in late April and take place in Shoreham Woods, Orpington

A very commonly question asked after booking the photography session, is what shall I wear?

My most important piece of advice for this would be to dress for the season! If you have an outdoor session and its a warm day. Go ahead and wear dresses, shorts. If it is a colder day, then wear longer sleeves, trousers, tights. You want to be comfortable and its better to layer up with options vests underneath, cardigans/jumpers to take off.

Avoid logos and motifs which can be distracting.

Colours that work well? - White

White is a great choice for your photoshoot, it stands out beautifully against the blue background. Girls can team with trousers and boots for a colder day or a white dress, shorts on a warmer day. Boys can go for white jumpers or shirts/ t-shirts.

Colours that work well? - Blue

I love blue! and blue can go well with blue! Blue is also an easy colour to find for clothing, denim jeans, dungarees. The above photo is teamed with white and mint green with tan coloured boots. They have worn four colours, blue, white, mint green and tan, each in a unique way but still bringing the consistency across the siblings.

Blue is beautiful colour to wear with blue eyes!

and a coat if it was chillier than expected.

Colours that work well? - Yellow

Yellow is a complimentary colour for blue. Making the clothing choice really pop against the background.

Colours that work well? - Pink

Pink is a complimentary colour for green which is also heavily in the photographs. Use a colour to connect sibling and family photographs.

Maybe they have a favourite princess dress or spiderman costume they never take off and you'd love photographs remembering this. Bluebell woods are definitely magical places to make this work.

Family Consistency

Choosing a colour scheme for the entire family enhances visual harmony in the photographs, creating a connection between the family. You should all dress the same season, you don't want an imbalance of one wearing a jumper and coat and another in short sleeve! Pick one or a few colours for the family, or all wear the same shades (all pastels or all brights). Most importantly thing is everyone is comfortable in what they are wearing.

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